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ट्रेल ब्रिज SWAp FY २०७३/२०७४ को हाइलाइटहरू


नयाँ निर्माण: 558 पुल

मुख्य रखरखाव: 162 पुल

नियमित रखरखाव: 4 926 पुलों


1,050,692 people  (57% disadvantaged groups) were provided with safer access 
Over 818,600 people use trail bridges to cross rivers everyday
1,440,900 person-days of employment were generated during bridge construction 
School attendance increased by 16% after a trail bridge was constructed
Patients seeking treatments from health facilities increased by 23% after a trail bridge was built 
New shops were established at 20% of new bridge sites