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सीमेंट को विशिष्टता

A. Type and Grade
- Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) 43 Grade.
B. Physical Properties
- Initial Setting Time : minimum 30 minutes.
- Final Setting Time : maximum 600 minutes.
- Compresive Strength
3 days : minimum 230 kg/ square cm
7 days : minimum 330 kg/ square cm
28 days : minimum 430 kg/ square cm.
The list of Cement Brands, which passed the test as per above specification :

1. "Maruti" OPC 43 of Maruti Cement Ltd., Nepal

2. "Shakti" of Hetaunda Cement Industries Ltd., Nepal

3. "Gaida" Cement of Udayapur Cement Industries, Nepal.

4. "Shivam" Shivam Cement Factory.

5. "Kepy" Cement OPC.

6. "Jagdamba" (Ultra) Jagdamba Cement Industries Pvt. Ltd.

7. "Tri Shakti" Trishakti Cement Company.

8. "Arghakhanchi" Arghakhanchi Cement Pvt. Ltd.

9."Sona Cement" Sonapur Cement Pvt. Ltd.

10."United OPC" United Cement Pvt. Ltd. Nepal