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Manuals play a key role in disseminating the trail bridge technology (survey, design and cost estimate) and its implementation modalities. It also help to standardized the processes and approaches of trail bridge program. Eighteen of such manuals and guidelines are already developed and is in the use by the trail bridge building agencies. These manuals have facilitated the process of devolution of trail bridge program to the local bodies. As the trail bridge program is slowly evolving as a sub-sector, a couple of more new manuals/guidelines are already in the developing stages. It is expected that these efforts will help streamline the trail bridge sub-sector programs in the country as a whole.

1. Short Span Trail Bridge Standard – Technical Handbook: How to Build a Short Span Trail Suspended Bridge

Volume I: Guidelines for Survey, Design & Construction
Volume II: Forms
Volume III: Standard Drawings


This manual consists of all required Norms, Standards and Technologies to build D-type bridges through a Community Approach up to 120 m. The hand book also comprises a detail theoretical background and practical guidelines for survey, design and construction with examples. The Handbook includes forms / checklists for survey, design and cost estimates.

With the use of this Handbook, Asst. Sub-Engineers can, under the supervision of a Palika/Province engineer, carry-out Survey, Design and Construction works of SSTB D-type bridges.

Volume III of the manual consists of all the standard drawings for fabrication of steel parts and execution of construction works for SSTB Suspended type of trial bridges. It contains 56 standard drawings. The drawings also provide all details for specifications and BoQ of steel parts, construction materials and construction works.



2. Short Span Trail Bridge Standard – Technical Handbook: How to Build a Short Span Trail Suspension Bridge

Volume I: Guidelines for Survey, Design & Construction
Volume II: Forms
Volume III: Standard Drawings

This manual consists of all the required Norms, Standard and Technologies to build N-type bridges through a Community Approach up to 120 m. The Handbook includes a detailed theoretical background and practical guidelines for survey, design and construction. The Handbook includes forms / checklists for survey, design and cost estimates.

With use of this Handbook, Sub-Engineers can, under the supervision of a Palika/Province engineer, carry-out Survey, Design and Construction works of SSTB, N-type bridges.

All required Standard drawings for fabrication of steel parts and execution of Construction work have been laid down in Volume III of the Short Span Trail Bridge Standard (SSTB) N-type manual (Standard Drawings). It contains 85 standard drawings The drawings also include all details for specifications and BoQ of steel parts, construction materials and construction works.


3Long Span Trail Bridge Standard – Technical Handbook

Volume A: Design
Volume B: Survey
Volume C: Standard Drawings
Volume D: Construction

This manual’s Volume A consists of all required Norms, Standards and Technologies to design both (D- and N-) type Long Span Trail Bridges (i.e. bridges beyond 120 meters up to 350 meters).

The Handbook also includes an extensive theoretical background and practical guidelines for designs with examples. The design of LSTB bridges is comparatively complex and is to be carried out by an experienced trail bridge engineer.




Volume B consists of all required Norms, Standards and Technologies to carry-out survey and site assessment of both (D- and N-) type bridges.

The Manual includes theory and practical applications as well as guidelines on geological studies, river morphology and detail topographical survey in relation to safe bridge site selection.

The Manual deals with the selection of safe bridge sites, processes and technologies to perform survey work, use of surveying instruments and the required checklist, standard formats for geological investigation and topographical survey data. The survey of an LSTB bridge is to be carried out by an experienced trail bridge engineer with geo-technical know-how.

Volume C provides all the required Standard Drawings for fabrication of steel parts and construction works of LSTB bridges.

Part 1(A) defines the technical details related to steel parts fabrication, such as raw and final weight of materials, working and assembly details (workshop drawings) and standards for protection measures of the fabricated steel parts. 

Part 1(B) consists of standard drawings of foundation / anchorage blocks and other civil structures required for the construction and bridge erection works.

It contains 280 standard drawings. The drawings also include all details for specifications and BoQ of steel parts, construction materials and construction works.

Volume D provides guidelines for planning of construction activities, details of required tools and equipments and its use and construction methods. The Manual provides a step by step methodology for construction and bridge erection works utilizing maximum local skills and local materials.

The Manual also includes check list for inspection of steel parts, construction and bridge erection works for quality control



4. Steel Truss Bridge: Short Span Trail Bridge

Manual Steel Truss Bridge

This Manual provides all the required Standard Drawings for fabrication of steel parts and construction works of Steel Truss Bridges.The drawings also include all details for specifications and BoQ of steel parts, construction materials and construction works.
The maximum span is 32 meter. The standard designs are included for 16, 20, 24, 28 and 32 meters span.

5. Social Organizational Support Manual

6. Quality Control Manual

7. Manual for Consulting Services

The main objective of this Manual is to capacitate Local Bodies such as Palikas/NGOs in social and organizational aspects of the Community Trail Bridge Program so as to be able to extend the right level of support to bridge User Committees to build Short Span Trail Bridges. 
This Manual, defines nine steps, starting from the identification of the need of the bridge through to the Final Inspection and formation of the Bridge Maintenance Committees.
The Quality Control Manual consist all technical specifications of services, goods and works of trail bridges, quality control as well as quality assurance procedures for both SSTB and LSTB bridges.

This also includes quality assurance documents, inspection procedures and inspection formats/checklists.
This manual provides guidelines for the bidding process and contract management of procurement of engineering services for LSTB bridges. It includes standard bidding documents for engineering services for LSTB bridges, i.e., Bid documents for 1. Socio-economic studies, 2. Detail engineering survey and design, 3. Construction supervision and quality control, and 4. Third party technical audit. The Manual includes ToR and job descriptions for each engineering service. The Manual also prescribes standard service charges for respective engineering services.
8. A Training Course Manual on Trail Bridges for Practitioner Engineers

9. A Training Course Manual on Trail Bridges for Practitioner Overseers

10. A Training Course Manual on Trail Bridges for Practitioner Sub-Overseers

This Course manual is tailored to engineers and covers the entire bridge building cycle, i.e. from planning, implementation through to the post construction phase.  The Manual covers survey, design, construction, quality control as well as monitoring & inspection of both SSTB and LSTB type of bridges and deals with the practical as well as the theoretical aspects of bridges. These curricula were developed jointly by Institute of Engineering, DoLI and TBSU/HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation. This manual is tailored towards practitioners from Federal, Provincial and Palika levels as well as from the Private Sector. It thus also contains planning, monitoring, as well as project management tools for the construction of new bridges as well as the (major) maintenance and rehabilitation of existing ones. These Course manuals are tailored towards sub-engineers and were developed jointly by Institute of Engineering, DoLI and TBSU/HELVETAS. The Manuals contain theoretical and practical aspects on survey, design, construction and quality control of SSTB- and only partially of LSTB bridges This manual is tailored towards practitioners from Federal, Provincial, Palika, NGOs and the private sector. This Manual also covers planning, monitoring, project management and quality control.

These Course manuals are tailored towards assistant-sub-engineers and were developed jointly by Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), DoLI and TBSU/HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation. The course includes survey, design and execution of SSTB “D” type bridges.
This manual forms the basis for practitioners from Federal, Provincial, Palika, NGOs and the private sector. This Manual also includes social organizational support and bridge maintenance.

11. A Course Manual on Trail Bridges for Bachelors of Civil Engineering

12. A Course Manual on Trail Bridges for Diploma in Civil Engineering

13. A Course Manual on Trail Bridges for Sub-Overseers

This manual forms the basis for the regular intake of 4th year BE students in civil engineering This manual forms the basis for the regular intake of prospective Diploma holders in civil engineering. This manual on the left forms the basis for the regular intake of Asst. Sub-Engineers studying civil engineering. The program is being used by 24 technical schools since 2004.
14. Demonstration Model Bridge Training Manual

15. Routine Maintenance Manual

16. Comprehensive Manual on Monitoring of Trail Bridges

This Manual is designated for training bridge-crafts-persons, often illiterate, from the community, i.e. for training at grass root level. The course includes preparation of construction materials such as stone dressing; preparation of aggregates etc. and construction works such as concreting and masonry works and bridge erection.
The training is conducted through practical works by building a demonstration model bridge, hence the popular name “Demonstration Model Bridge Training (DMBT)”. The training is based on demonstration and learning by doing technique.
This Routine Maintenance Manual has been prepared with the view of imparting knowledge and know-how to Bridge Wardens, Bridge Inspectors, Bridge Maintenance Committees, Technicians of Palikas and local communities on how to maintain trail bridges so as to increase their longevity.
Picture illustrations have been used extensively along with brief summaries to make it reader friendly.
This Manual on Comprehensive Monitoring comprises of all safety and quality control aspects for both new as well as existing bridges; the detailed roles of Palikas, LBS/DoLI; and the use of Private Sector for Monitoring and Inspection.
The Manual covers Planning of bridges collectively and the Implementation of individual bridges. The Manual is based on the premise that the Palika/Province will monitor / inspects a random sample of bridges. The Manual has been disseminated through the IoE to prospective private sector Monitors / Inspectors. This Manual has been drafted in consultation with the National Vigilance Center.

17. Manual of Website


18. Manual for Contractors